Tuesday, November 23, 2010

MGMT - Congratulations

Well, I'll be honest. I haven't really listened to this record yet. I only know the two songs ("Flash Delerium" and "Brian Eno") that they played on Saturday Night Live when they were on last year. I just happened to be in Urban Outfitters with the girlfriend and noticed they had a clearance vinyl section (score). 

Every time I had ever seen this in a store, it has been 30 bucks, which I always thought was a bit steep and prohibited me from picking up the record. When I saw it was only ten bucks, however, I figured now was as good a time as ever to pick it up. 

It should also be noted that the cover is a scratch off cover and has the consistency of a scratch ticket. It's very strange. I'll probably end up scratching it off some time in the near future. When I do, I'll post another update with a picture of what it looks like underneath.

Now here's to hoping that overpriced Arcade Fire The Suburbs LP goes on clearance in the near future.

Artist: MGMT
Title: Congratulations
Label: Columbia
Vinyl Color: Black
Purchased From: Urban Outfitters
Price: $9.90

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